Swords and Petunias

News and Gossip

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Here's the scoop...


We played on the announcements today 11/24/2004 we were the best

No new releases but we are planning to record soon. So rock till you cant anymore.

Band should be on Kary's corner
Posted 9/22/2004

Ok heres some news we only have a couple songs written.

Contributed by Chris

YO YO YO!! Steffon[guitar] here.  I just got the studio set up and we will be recording over the next couple weeks.  Be sure to get our debut album when it comes out in a few weeks. 
Peace out!!

Ok heres a new and exciting scoop i have a new song about the "pictures" of the black out of 2003. Did they use a flash? Later chris (vocals)


We are hot.

There have been some rumors about Steffon and Mr. Mystery having a "thing".  I regret to inform you all that these aligations are false.  We are a 100% straight band!!  We will not contribute to any queerdom whatsoever.
Unless you ask nicely.

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!